Assignment 2 | brainstorm

In class, I was tasked with drawing 20 thumbnail sketches of one thing in 10 minutes. This task challenged the inner perfectionist in me but I was able to make the full 20 even if there were some weird ones in the end. 💪

Result: Description Description

I'm supposed to discuss which alternative is most effective but I have no idea under which criteria that would be for? most accurate giraffe representation? maybe number 2?


Build from this to produce a series of thumbnail sketches to develop your graphic icons for Assignment 2. You should work quickly and roughly to create at least five thumbnail sketches per icon, for a total of at least 45 icon concepts.

Before I started on the icons I wanted a rough draft of what the layout might look like so I could get a loose sense of the scale or visibility of the icons.

First drawing


Sirst drawing


Then I went crazy🤯😵‍💫. Rather than limiting myself to a number of thumbnails I just took an A4 page and started drawing tons of stuff related to the categories.
